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Título: English as a Foreign Language materials: The case of textbooks
Otros títulos: Perspectives and Good Practices in English Language Teacher Training
Autoría: Luque Agullo, Gloria
Resumen: Choosing the right materials for students can be a difficult task, particularly if the teacher lacks experience. Nowadays the choice is enormous, making the selection task even more challenging. What would be the most appropriate materials for a given group of learners? There is no easy answer. One of those materials, the textbook, constitutes one of the most widely used teaching/learning resources, as they provide a set of guidelines and materials that facilitate the teaching task, give a sense of security to the learners and follow educational guidelines. However, choosing a suitable textbook is deemed to be one of the most challenging tasks that EFL teachers often face. To get a good picture of the suitability of a textbook, a careful analysis of the material aspects of the text needs to be undertaken, which should then be followed by an evaluation of that text for a particular teaching/learning context. This chapter suggests a procedure to help teachers decide whether a textbook is appropriate for his/her classroom. Once this decision has been made, there are some examples of how to adapt the text, to adjust it to your needs and those of your classroom.
Palabras clave: Textbook analysis and evaluation, preservice teachers, materials development, checklist
Fecha: 2022
Editorial: Síntesis
ISBN: 978-84-1357-163-8
Citación: Luque-Agullo, G. (2022) English as a Foreign Language materials: The case of textbooks . En Alonso, I. & Criado, R. (Coords.), Perspectives and Good Practices in English Language Teacher Training. Editorial Síntesis
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