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Title: English as a Foreign Language materials: The case of textbooks
Other Titles: Perspectives and Good Practices in English Language Teacher Training
Authors: Luque Agullo, Gloria
Abstract: Choosing the right materials for students can be a difficult task, particularly if the teacher lacks experience. Nowadays the choice is enormous, making the selection task even more challenging. What would be the most appropriate materials for a given group of learners? There is no easy answer. One of those materials, the textbook, constitutes one of the most widely used teaching/learning resources, as they provide a set of guidelines and materials that facilitate the teaching task, give a sense of security to the learners and follow educational guidelines. However, choosing a suitable textbook is deemed to be one of the most challenging tasks that EFL teachers often face. To get a good picture of the suitability of a textbook, a careful analysis of the material aspects of the text needs to be undertaken, which should then be followed by an evaluation of that text for a particular teaching/learning context. This chapter suggests a procedure to help teachers decide whether a textbook is appropriate for his/her classroom. Once this decision has been made, there are some examples of how to adapt the text, to adjust it to your needs and those of your classroom.
Keywords: Textbook analysis and evaluation, preservice teachers, materials development, checklist
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Síntesis
ISBN: 978-84-1357-163-8
Citation: Luque-Agullo, G. (2022) English as a Foreign Language materials: The case of textbooks . En Alonso, I. & Criado, R. (Coords.), Perspectives and Good Practices in English Language Teacher Training. Editorial Síntesis
Appears in Collections:DFI-Libros y Capítulos de libros

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