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Title: Dark Future for Dark Matter
Authors: Eckhardt, D.H.
Garrido Pestaña, J.L.
Abstract: The prevailing cosmological constant and cold dark matter (LCDM) cosmic concordance model accounts for the radial expansion of the universe after the Big Bang. The model appears to be authoritative because it is based on the Einstein gravitational field equation. However, a thorough scrutiny of the underlying theory calls into question the suitability of the field equation, which states that the Einstein tensor is a constant multiple of the stress-energy tensor when they both are evaluated at the same 4D space-time point. Notwithstanding its venerable provenance, this equation is incorrect unless the cosmic pressure is 0; but then all that remains of the Einstein equation is the Poisson equation which models the Newtonian gravity field. This shortcoming is not resolved by adding the cosmological constant term to the field equation as in the LCDM model, because then pressure is L, so the pressure is a universal constant, not a variable. Numerous studies support the concept of a linearly expanding universe in which gravitational forces and accelerations are negligible because the baryonic mass density of the universe is far below its critical density. We show that such a coasting universe model agrees with SNe Ia luminosity vs. redshift distances just as well or even better than the LCDM model, and that it does so without having to invoke dark matter or dark energy. Occam’s razor favors a coasting universe over the LCDM model.
Keywords: Classical General Relativity
General Relativity and Gravitation: Fundamental Problems and General Formalism
Fundamental Aspects of Astrophysics,
Relativity and Gravitation
Dark Energy
Mathematical and Relativistic Aspects of Cosmology
Issue Date: Jan-2020
Publisher: SCIRP (Scientific Research Publishing Inc.)
Appears in Collections:DF-Artículos

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