Abandoned Farmland Location in Areas A ected by Rapid Urbanization Using Textural Characterization of High Resolution Aerial Imagery
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Several studies have demonstrated that farmland abandonment occurs not only in rural
areas, but is also closely interlinked with urbanization processes. Therefore, the location of abandoned
land and the registration of the spatial information referring to it play important roles in urban land
management. However, mapping abandoned land or land in the process of abandonment is not an
easy task because the limits between the di erent land uses are not clear and precise. It is therefore
necessary to develop methods that allow estimating and mapping this type of land as accurately as
possible. As an alternative to other geomatics methods such as satellite remote sensing, our approach
proposes a framework for automatically locating abandoned farmland in urban landscapes using the
textural characterization and segmentation of aerial imagery. Using the city of Pozna´n (Poland) as a
case study, results demonstrated the feasibility of applying our approach, reducing processing time
and workforce resources. Specifically and by comparing the results obtained with the data provided
by CORINE Land Cover, 2275 ha (40.3%) of arable land within the city limits were abandoned,
and the area of abandoned arable land was almost 9.2% of the city’s area. Finally, the reliability of the
proposed methodology was assessed from two di erent focuses: (i) the accuracy of the segmentation
results (from a positional point of view) and (ii) the e ciency of locating abandoned land (as a specific
type of land use) in urban areas particularly a ected by rapid urbanization.
Palabras clave
farmland abandonment mapping, textural segmentation, aerial imagery, land use
Ruiz-Lendínez, J. J. (2020). Abandoned Farmland Location in Areas Affected by Rapid Urbanization Using Textural Characterization of High Resolution Aerial Imagery. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9(4), 191. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi9040191