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Title: Trip cultural activities and tourism expenditure in emerging urban-cultural destinations
Authors: Pulido-Fernández, Juan Ignacio
Cárdenas-García, Pablo Juan
Carrillo-Hidalgo, Isabel
Abstract: Although tourism expenditure is determined by different factors, the literature has not analysed the extent to which trip cultural activities affect tourism expenditure in the destination. The focus of this paper is a microeconomic analysis performed in 14 emerging urbancultural destinations in Andalusia (Spain). The results confirm that there are activities related to cultural visits, attendance at events or gastronomic activities that determine tourism expenditure. These results guide the implementation of specific actions by the policy-makers in these destinations aimed at increasing the economic impact of tourism, based on the creation of high value-added tourism products to overcome their mere dependence on built heritage.
Keywords: Andalusia
cultural activities
emerging urban-cultural destinations
Poisson regression analysis
tourism expenditure
Issue Date: 3-Jun-2015
Publisher: WILEY
Citation: Pulido-Fernández, J.I., Cárdenas-García, P.J. & Carrillo-Hidalgo, I. (2016): “Trip cultural activities and tourism expenditure in emerging urban-cultural destinations”, International Journal of Tourism Research, 18(4): 286-296
Appears in Collections:DEFC-Artículos

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2016. PULIDO_CÁRDENAS_CARRILLO.IJTR.ACEPTED.pdfPulido-Fernández, J.I., Cárdenas-García, P.J. & Carrillo-Hidalgo, I. (2016): “Trip cultural activities and tourism expenditure in emerging urban-cultural destinations”, International Journal of Tourism Research, 18(4): 286-296.395,18 kBAdobe PDFView/Open

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