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Showing results 2700 to 2719 of 3774< previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-06-28Offering trays from Qubbet el-Hawa: a study of the artefacts and their archaeological, funeray and religious contexts.Jiménez Serrano, Alejandro; Alba Gómez, José Manuel; Lechuga Ibañez, Cristina; Universidad de Jaén. Departamento de Antropología, Geografía e Historia.
2021La Oficina Económica del presidente en el primer Gobierno de Zapatero (2004-2008): precedentes, origen y alcance de una reforma impremeditada del centro presidencial españolOrtega-Ruiz, Manuela; Luque-Castillo, Francisco-Javier
2021Ofrendas en el humedal: el santuario ibero de Haza del Rayo (Sabiote, Jaén)Rueda Galán, Carmen; Bellón Ruiz, Juan Pedro; Herranz Sánchez, Ana B.; Lechuga Chica, Miguel A.; Ruiz Rodríguez, Arturo; Moreno Padilla, Mª Isabel; Molinos Molinos, Manuel; Rísquez Cuenca, Carmen; Gutiérrez Rodríguez, Mario; Portillo, Marta
2020Oh, of course, One Accepts the Gospels, Naturally”: Subversive Use of Bible Intertextuality in Graham Greene’s Monsignor QuixoteValverde, Beatriz
2020-10-29Oleotourism: A Comparison of Three Mediterranean CountriesD´Auria, Anna; Marano-Marcolini, Carla; Čehić, Ana; Tregua, Marco
2018-05-09Oleotourism: Local Actors for Local Tourism DevelopmentTregua, Marco; D´Auria, Anna; Marano-Marcolini, Carla
2019Oleoturismo y desarrollo rural. Avances y retos en el caso de la provincia de Jaén (Andalucía, España)Cuesta Aguilar, María José; Moya García, Egidio
2016El olivar jiennense en los levantamientos topográficos del Instituto Geográfico y Estadístico (1874-1883)Moya García, Egidio; Cuesta Aguilar, María José; Sánchez Martínez, José Domingo
2019-11-14Olive fly sting detection based on computer visionBeyaz, Abdullah
2019-11-14Olive fly sting detection based on computer visionBeyaz, Abdullah; Martínez Gila, Diego Manuel; Gómez Ortega, Juan; Gámez García, Javier
2016-02-02El olivo (Olea europaea L.) y el estrés salino. Importancia de los reguladores del crecimientoCordovilla-Palomares, María-del-Pilar; Aparicio-Ayora, Carolina; Universidad de Jaén. Departamento de Biología Animal, Biología Vegetal y Ecología
2024-01-01On different collective storage schemes in energy communities with internal marketTostado-Véliz, Marcos; Jordehi, Ahmad Rezaee; Hasanien, Hany M.; Khosravi, Nima; Mansouri, Seyed Amir; Jurado, Francisco
2022-04On Optimal Settings for a Family of Runge–Kutta-Based Power-Flow Solvers Suitable for Large-Scale Ill-Conditioned CasesTostado-Véliz, Marcos; Alharbi, Talal; Alharbi, Hisham; Kamel, Salah; Jurado-Melguizo, Francisco
2021-07On the Applicability of Two Families of Cubic Techniques for Power Flow AnalysisTostado-Véliz, Marcos; Kamel, Salah; Ruiz-Rodríguez, Francisco J.; Jurado-Melguizo, Francisco
1993-04On the coherent orientation of spins of spiral galaxiesGarrido, J.L.; Battaner, E.; Sánchez-Saavedra, M.L.; Florido, E.
2023-02-04On the experimental characterisation of crack tip displacement fields on nonplanar elements: Numerical and experimental analysisCamacho-Reyes, Alonso; Antunes, Fernando V.; Vasco-Olmo, José M.; Díaz, Francisco A.; Felipe-Sesé, Luis A.
2020-05-30On the fracture behaviour of fibre-reinforced gypsum using micro and macro polymer fibresSuárez, Fernando; Felipe-Sesé, Luis; Díaz, Francisco; Galvez, Jaime; García-Alberti, Marcos García
2024On the role of non-linguistic rhythm skills in the early stages of formal learning to readValencia-Naranjo, Nieves; Calet, Nuria; Robles-Bello, María Auxiliadora; Gutiérrez-Palma, Nicolás
2021On the role of the written accent mark in visual word recognition in SpanishGutiérrez-Palma, Nicolás; Shelton, Michael; Ramos-Álvarez, Manuel Miguel
2024On the translation of culinary terms in Malaga province restaurant menus into English. A corpus-based studyDíaz Pérez, Francisco Javier