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Showing results 6 to 10 of 10< previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-11Nintendo Wii Balance Board therapy for postural control in children with cerebral palsy: a systematic review and metaanalysisMontoro-Cárdenas, Desirée; Cortés-Pérez, Irene; Zagalaz-Anula, Noelia; Osuna-Pérez, María Catalina; Obrero-Gaitán, Esteban; Lomas-Vega, Rafael
2023-10-03Relationship between stomatognathic alterations and idiopathic scoliosis: a systematic review with meta-analysis of observational studiesGámiz-Bermúdez, Francisca; Ibáñez-Vera, Alfonso Javier; Obrero-Gaitán, Esteban; Cortés-Pérez, Irene; Zagalaz-Anula, Noelia; Lomas-Vega, Rafael
2020-10-09Transcultural Adaptation and Validation of the Fonseca Anamnestic Index in a Spanish Population with Temporomandibular DisordersSánchez-Torrelo, Carmen María; Zagalaz-Anula, Noelia; Alonso-Royo, Roger; Ibáñez-Vera, Alfonso Javier; López-Collantes, Jesús; Rodríguez-Almagro, Daniel; Obrero-Gaitán, Esteban; Lomas-Vega, Rafael
2023-05-22Validity and reliability of the Niigata PPPD Questionnaire in a Western populationCastillejos‑Carrasco‑Muñoz, Rodrigo; Peinado-Rubia, Ana Belén; Lérida-Ortega, Miguel Ángel; Ibáñez-Vera, Alfonso Javier; Tapia-Toca, María Cruz; Lomas-Vega, Rafael
2023-04-11Virtual reality-based therapy improves balance and reduces fear of falling in patients with multiple sclerosis. a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trialsCortés-Pérez, Irene; Osuna-Pérez, María Catalina; Montoro-Cárdenas, Desirée; Lomas-Vega, Rafael; Obrero-Gaitán, Esteban; Nieto-Escámez, Francisco Antonio