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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024A fuzzy-based IoMT intelligent data platform for enhanced glucose data interpretation and healthcare assistanceLópez Ruiz, José Luis; Gaitán Guerrero, Juan Francisco; Martínez Cruz, Carmen; Espinilla Estevez, Macarena
2023Evaluation of the Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals on anActivity Recognition Platform for Healthcare SystemsLópez Ruiz, José Luis; Espinilla, Macarena; Verdejo, Ángeles
2024Indoor Area Location System Using UWB Technology and Axis-Linear Bounding BoxesLópez Ruiz, José Luis; Jiménez Villar, José María; Albín Rodríguez, Antonio Pedro; Espinilla Estevez, Macarena
2023-11-30IoT-driven Real-Time Glucose Monitoring: Empowering Diabetes Care and PreventionLópez Ruiz, José Luis; Gaitán Guerrero, Juan Francisco; Martínez Cruz, Carmen; Díaz Jiménez, David; González Lama, Jesús; Espinilla Estévez, Macarena
2024-01-06Methodology based on linguistic protoforms for activity detection in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitusDíaz Jiménez, David; González Lama, Jesús; Espinilla Estévez, Macarena; López Ruiz, José Luis
2023OBLEA: A New Methodology to Optimise Bluetooth Low Energy Anchors in Multi-occupancy Location SystemsLópez Ruiz, José Luis; Verdejo Espinosa, Ángeles; Montoro Lendínez, Alicia; Espinilla Estévez, Macarena
2022-11-08Past, Present and Future of Research on Wearable Technologies for Healthcare: A Bibliometric Analysis Using Scopusde la Fuente Robles, Yolanda María; Ricoy Cano, Adrián Jesús; Albín Rodríguez, Antonio Pedro; López Ruiz, José Luis; Espinilla Estévez, Macarena
2024Sistema IoT para la Monitorización de Glucosa en Tiempo Real: Empoderando el Cuidado y la Prevención de DiabetesLópez Ruiz, José Luis; Gaitán Guerrero, Juan Francisco; Martínez Cruz, Carmen; Díaz Jiménez, David; González Lama, Jesús; Espinilla Estevez, Macarena
2023-11-30Transforming Elderly Care Through Ethical and Social Evaluation of Intelligent Activity Recognition Systems in Nursing HomesMontoro Lendínez, Alicia; Linares, Carmen; Perandres, Ana; Cruz, Alfonso; López Ruiz, José Luis; Nugent, Chris; Espinilla, Macarena