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Showing results 8 to 16 of 16< previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-08Monitoring organic matter transformation of olive oil production residues in a full-scale composting plant by fluorescence spectroscopyP. Rueda, Marta; Domínguez-Vidal, Ana; Llorent-Martínez, Eulogio J.; Aranda, Víctor; Ayora-Cañada, María José
2021Monitoring UV-accelerated alteration processes of paintings by means of hyperspectral micro-FTIR imaging and chemometricsGonzález-Cabrera, María; Domínguez-Vidal, Ana; Ayora_Cañada, María José
2022Multisensor hyperspectral imaging approach for the microchemical analysis of ultramarine blue pigmentsGonzález‑Cabrera, María; Wieland, Karin; Eitenberger, Elisabeth; Bleier, Anna; Brunnbauer, Lukas; Limbeck, Andreas; Hutter, Herbert; Haisch, Christoph; Lendl, Bernhard; Domínguez-Vidal, Ana; Ayora-Cañada, María José
2020Natural or synthetic? Simultaneous Raman/luminescence hyperspectral microimaging for the fast distinction of ultramarine pigmentsGonzalez-Cabrera, María; Arjonilla, Paz; Domínguez-Vidal, Ana; Ayora-Cañada, María José
2003Optosensores en flujo continuo : nuevas contribuciones y estrategiasMolina-Díaz, Antonio; Ortega-Barrales, Pilar; Domínguez-Vidal, Ana; Universidad de Jaén. Departamento de Química Física y Analítica
2019Raman and Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopies reveal medieval Hispano–Muslim wood painting techniques and provide new insights into red lead production technologyArjonilla, Paz; Domínguez-Vidal, Ana; Correa-Gómez, Elena; Domene-Ruiz, María José; Ayora-Cañada, María José
2019Romantic restorations in the Alhambra monument: Spectroscopic characterization of decorative plasterwork in the Royal Baths of ComaresArjonilla, Paz; Ayora-Cañada, María José; Rubio Domene, Ramón; Correa Gómez, Elena; de la Torre-López, María José; Domínguez-Vidal, Ana
2021-04-14Spectroscopic Investigation ofWall Paintings in the Alhambra Monumental Ensemble: Decorations with Red BricksArjonilla, Paz; Ayora-Cañada, María José; de la Torre-López, María José; Correa Gómez, Elena; Rubio Domene, Ramón; Domínguez-Vidal, Ana
2023Understanding the compositional changes of organic matter in torrefied olive mill pomace compost using infrared spectroscopy and chemometricsP. Rueda, Marta; Comino, Francisco; Aranda, Víctor; Ayora-Cañada, María José; Domínguez-Vidal, Ana