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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-12-03Flood hazard mapping with distributed hydrological simulations and remote-sensed slackwater sediments in ungauged basinsdel Moral-Erencia, Jose D.; Bohorquez, Patricio; Jiménez-Ruíz, Pedro J.; Pérez-Latorre, Francisco J.
2020-04-07Hydraulic control on the development of megaflood runup depositsCarling, Paul A.; Bohorquez, Patricio; Fan, Xuanmei
2020-04-19Last ice-dammed lake in the Kuray basin, Russian Altai: New results from multidisciplinary researchAgatova, A.R.; Nepop, R.K.; Carling, Paul A.; Bohorquez, Patricio; Khazin, L.B.; Zhdanova, A.N.; Moska, P.
2023-02-23Nature-based solutions for flood mitigation and soil conservation in a steep-slope olive-orchard catchment (Arquillos, Spain)Bohorquez, Patricio; Perez-Latorre, Francisco J.; Gonzalez-Planet, Inmaculada; Jimenez-Melero, Raquel; Parra, Gema
2019-07-09Revisiting the dynamics of catastrophic late Pleistocene glacial-lake drainage, Altai Mountains, central AsiaBohorquez, Patricio; Jimenez-Ruiz, Pedro J.; Carling, Paul A.
2020-06-04Slackwater sediments record the increase in sub-daily rain flood due to climate change in a European Mediterranean catchmentMoral-Erencia, Jose D.; Bohorquez, Patricio; Jimenez-Ruiz, Pedro J.; Pérez-Latorre, Francisco J.
2023-07-15Technological advances to rescue temporary and ephemeral wetlands: reducing their vulnerability, making them visibleJimenez-Melero, Raquel; Bohorquez, Patricio; Gonzalez-Planet, Inmaculada; Perez-Latorre, Francisco J.; Parra, Gema
2023-07Technological Advances to Rescue Temporary and Ephemeral Wetlands: Reducing Their Vulnerability, Making Them VisibleJiménez-Melero, Raquel; Bohorquez, Patricio; González-Planet, Inmaculada; Pérez-Latorre, Francisco; Parra, Gema
2019-04-12The fascination of a shallow-water theory for the formation of megaflood-scale dunes and antidunesBohorquez, Patricio; Cañada-Pereira, Pablo; Jimenez-Ruiz, Pedro J.; del Moral-Erencia, Jose D.
2021-03-09The variability of antidune morphodynamics on steep slopesPascal, Ivan; Ancey, Christophe; Bohorquez, Patricio