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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023-06-30A higher order thermoelastic analysis of fatigue crack growth can assess crack tip shieldingCamacho-Reyes, Alonso; Vasco-Olmo, José M.; James, M. Neil; Díaz, Francisco A.
2019-03-27Characterisation of fatigue crack growth using digital image correlation measurements of plastic CTOD.Vasco-Olmo, José M.; Díaz, Francisco A.; Antunes, Fernando V.; James, M. Neil
2022-03-03Characterization of non-planar crack tip displacement fields using a differential geometry approach in combination with 3D digital image correlationCamacho-Reyes, Alonso; Vasco-Olmo, José M.; James, M. Neil; Díaz, Francisco A.
2022-02-19Experimental evaluation of plastic wake on growing fatigue cracks from the analysis of residual displacement fieldsVasco-Olmo, José M.; Díaz, Francisco A.; Camacho-Reyes, Alonso; James, M. Neil; Antunes, Fernando V.
2021-05-28Limitations of small-scale yielding for fatigue crack growthMarques, B.; Borges, M.F.; Antunes, Fernando V.; Vasco-Olmo, Jose M.; Díaz, Francisco A.; James, M. Neil
2020-03-03Plastic CTOD as fatigue crack growth characterising parameter in 2024-T3 and 7050-T6 aluminium alloys using DICVasco-Olmo, José M.; Díaz, Francisco A.; Antunes, Fernando V.; James, M. Neil
2022-04-22Towards a new methodology for the characterisation of crack tip fields based on a hybrid computational approach.Camacho-Reyes, Alonso; Vasco-Olmo, José M.; James, M. Neil; Díaz, Francisco A.