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Title: The relationships between family-work interaction, job-related exhaustion, detachment, and meaning in lifea day-level study of emotional well-being
Other Titles: La relación entre interacción familia-trabajo, agotamiento relacionado con el trabajo, distanciamiento y significado de la vida: estudio del bienestar emocional a nivel diario
Authors: Garrosa, Eva
Carmona-Cobo, Isabel
Ladstätter, Félix
Blanco-Donoso, Luis Manuel
Cooper-Thomas, Helena D.
Abstract: The aim of this research was to provide an integrative overview of the associations between employees' daily emotional well-being (positive and negative affect) and family-work interaction, job-related exhaustion, detachment, and meaning in life. Service sector employees in Spain (N = 105) filled out a general measure and daily survey measures over five working days. Results showed that daily family-work conflict, job-related exhaustion and search for meaning in life predicted employees' negative affect at night; conversely, daily detachment and presence of meaning in life had a negative relation with negative affect at night. In contrast, employees' family-work facilitation, detachment, and presence of meaning in life predicted positive affect at night. Moreover, detachment moderated the relationship between family-work conflict and negative affect, and between the presence of meaning in life and positive affect. These findings have practical implications for individuals and organizations and suggest possible avenues for future research.
Keywords: Daily Detachment
Family-work interaction
Job-related exhaustion
Meaning in life
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid
Citation: Garrosa-Hernández, E., Carmona-Cobo, I., Ladstätter, F., Blanco, L. M., & Cooper-Thomas, H. D. (2013). The relationships between family-work interaction, job-related exhaustion, detachment, and meaning in life: A day-level study of emotional well-being. Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 29(3), 169-177.
Appears in Collections:DPS-Artículos

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